“The Three Lynchings” film was featured yesterday in a half-hour segment on the Kojo Nnamdi Show, Washington public radio’s inimitable noontime talk show.
The show was hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons, marking her last day at WAMU by hosting the station’s widely syndicated two-hour 1A show, and then taking on the Kojo show immediately after. “Three Lynchings” writer-director Jay Mallin and narrator Michael V. Williams were the two guests, answering questions from Sasha-Ann and phone-in callers.
You can hear the show, and read the transcript, on the Kojo show’s website here: https://thekojonnamdishow.org/shows/2020-12-01/a-new-local-film-honors-three-historic-lynchings-in-montgomery-county
Many thanks to Richard Cunningham, whose idea it was to feature the film, and who conducted some very interesting advance interviews (WAMU should consider posting those as well!) and then directed the segment from what he reports is the “producer’s couch.” And congratulations to Sasha-Ann Simons, who after doing such an amazing job taking on other hosts’ shows at WAMU is moving to be the full-time host at Reset, @WBEZ ’s flagship midday talk show in Chicago!